wow! Imagine what happened to me yesterday.

so yesterday,a client called me up asking me to come do her hair(crochet braids). I went to the market to get the particular extension she wanted for her crochet braid. I checked in every shop in wuse market but could not find it and on my way out,i saw a lady with the same hair and she took me to the shop she got it. The price was alarming, 1500 Naira for each and i wanted 3 for the client. I begged for it to be reduced and the shop keeper said the least was 1200 Naira. well,i walked away because i had budgeted just 800 naira for each since i had seen it for that price in a shop before. well, i walked away but was very confused on what i was going to do.

 My junior sister who was with me encouraged me to go back to the shop i saw it cheaper. the shop is in a Dutse market which is very far from the Wuse market that i was.  I had no choice,i quickly went back to Dutse market and the shop that had it didnt have it anymore. I felt like dieing at that point. I left the shop and started checking round the market and to my amazement, i saw it in one small shop for just 650 Naira. wow wow wow. Imagine the difference in the price. i quickly bought it and went to my clients house the next day. check out the finished work.hehehe

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